Thursday, May 10, 2012

A-Z Reflection

The a-z blogging challenge was fun and exciting for both of us. We really didn't think it was possible to have a rant for every letter of the alphabet but it turns out we have a lot to say. Who knew! We don't have a favorite rant because everything we write is from the heart, frustrations that were passionate about. The hardest letter to find a topic for was J- ? We found that Having to find a a topic for each letter was in some ways helpful to make it a point to blog that day. We have been slackers since so the challenge was a way to keep us regimented and focused. For us we'd love if there was some sort of challenge each month.


  1. Congrats on completing the challenge. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. That's odd that J caused you so much troubles. That was the easiest day for me for my name.

  2. Congratulations on surviving the challenge :)

    Roadtrip: On my way from A all the way to Z!
    English Speaking Zone
